Service catalog fails because Template Service Broker won’t start

As a workaround, add the label region=infra to one or more nodes. Typically this should be added to existing infrastructure nodes.
# oc label node ‘region=infra’
Root Cause
The template service broker expects the label region=infra to install as part of the daemonset. This is not currently customizable, however a feature request is open:Issue
Upgrade playbook fails during the Upgrade Service Catalog play.
1. Error : Hosts: Play: Upgrade Service Catalog Task: Verify that TSB is running Message: Status code was not [200]: Request failed: <urlopen error [Errno 111] Connection refused>
Returns error code similar to older non OCP issues here and here.
Add ‘template_service_broker_selector={‘zone’: ‘infra’}’ line in inventory file
Update daemonset with zone=infra value
Rerun the playbook

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