Archive for November, 2016

Error: Set default component failed: defpackagemng failed: Loaded Postoffice Configuration Provider (MEAIPO.DLL) Unable to assign port to IP address. Reason: Unknown IP Address

Tuesday, November 29th, 2016

If you got the above error. follow the below solutions

  1. Go to Regedit.
  2. Go to the path: Local_Machhine >> Software >> Wow6432Node >> Plesk >> Psa config >> config
  3. Locate the record MAIL_PROVIDERW_DLL and change it to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\admin\bin\smartermailprovider.dll
  4. Locate the path: Local_Machhine >> Software >> Wow6432Node >> Plesk >> Psa config >> config >> Packages >> Mailserver and set Default regisrty entry to smartermail
  5. Save the registry.
  6. Open Plesk using admin login, go to  Tool and setting >> Server components >> and click on refresh.


Sort file by size

Friday, November 11th, 2016

du -sh * | sort -rh | head -6

ZIP and UNZIP in Linux Command Line.

Thursday, November 3rd, 2016

Task: Create a Zip File

To create a zip file, enter:

zip input1.txt input2.txt resume.doc pic1.jpg

Task: Decompress a zip

To decompress a zip file in Unix, enter:
