Archive for February, 2010


Saturday, February 27th, 2010


How To – Install SmarterTrack on a Shared Server

Friday, February 26th, 2010

Before installing SmarterTrack in a shared hosting environment, make sure your environment meets the following requirements:

  • Support for ASP.NET 3.5
  • Hosting company allows for Full Trust ASP.NET 3.5 applications
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or higher, MySQL 5.1 or higher, or Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008 Express Edition

To install SmarterTrack in a shared hosting environment, you will need to complete the following steps:

  1. Download SmarterTrack files and upload them to your Web server
  2. Verify file permissions
  3. Set up your database
  4. Complete the SmarterTrack Setup Wizard

Additional details regarding these installation steps are below. Download SmarterTrack Files and Upload Them to Your Web Server
Follow these steps to complete the first phase of the installation process:

  1. Download the SmarterTrack – Files for Shared Hosting from the SmarterTrack Download page.
  2. This is a self-extracting archive. Review and accept the EULA. Then unzip the file to your computer’s hard drive.
  3. Upload the extracted files to your Web server. If you are uploading these files to a subfolder (such as /SmarterTrack), make sure that this folder is an application starting point. NOTE: For more information on application starting points, please contact your hosting company.

Verify File Permissions
Make sure you set the following file permissions to complete the second phase of the installation process:

  • The SmarterTrack/App_Data folder will require read, write, delete, and modify permissions to itself and all subfolders and files.
  • The /SmarterTrack/Services folder will require the Execute Scripts permission.

NOTE: If you do not have the ability to change these permissions or if you have questions regarding these permissions, contact your hosting company for assistance.

Set Up Your Database
For help setting up the SmarterTrack database, refer to the How To – Set Up Database for Shared Hosting KB article.

Complete the SmarterTrack Setup Wizard
To set up SmarterTrack for the first time, you will be using the SmarterTrack Setup Wizard. Use a Web browser to navigate to the SmarterTrack URL and log in using the default system administrator (default login is “admin” for both username and password). The Setup Wizard will walk you through the connection and initialization of the database, the activation of the product, initial department and agent creation, and default SMTP configuration. Once these steps are completed, SmarterTrack will be installed and ready for use.

For more information please refer to the Installation section in the Online Help.


How To – Install SmarterTrack on a Dedicated Server

Friday, February 26th, 2010
How To – Install SmarterTrack on a Dedicated Server

Before installing SmarterTrack on a dedicated server, make sure the .NET 3.5 framework is installed. If it is not installed, please do so before installing SmarterTrack.

Installing SmarterTrack
Then follow these steps to install SmarterTrack on a dedicated server:

  1. Download the SmarterTrack full installer files from the SmarterTrack Download page.
  2. Run the SmarterTrack installer.
  3. Review the End User License Agreement (EULA) and accept the terms of the EULA to continue.
  4. Unless you choose a different installation folder, the default installation path will be C:\Program files\SmarterTools\SmarterTrack.
  5. After the InstallShield Wizard runs, SmarterTrack is installed. You will now need to run and complete the Setup Wizard.

NOTE: During the installation process, the InstallShield wizard will prompt to install Microsoft SQL Server Express.  If you already have an installed version of Microsoft SQL Server or MySQL, you will not need to install Microsoft SQL Server Express.  You can install Microsoft SQL Server Express at a later time using the Start Menu link created during installation.

Running the Setup Wizard
After the InstallShield Wizard is finished installing SmarterTrack, the Setup Wizard will open. The Setup Wizard will walk you through the connection and initialization of the database, the activation of the product, initial department and agent creation, and default SMTP configuration. Once you have completed the Setup Wizard, your database will be initialized and the system will automatically log you in to the portal as the system administrator.


WHM & Cpanel

Thursday, February 25th, 2010

check the below URL for more info about Cpanel and WHM

GD funiction

Thursday, February 25th, 2010

this funiction use for upload picture in php

you can test is this funiction enalbed in the server or not. use the code below

result should be same like below
array(9) {
  ["GD Version"]=>
  string(24) "bundled (2.0 compatible)"
  ["FreeType Support"]=>
  ["T1Lib Support"]=>
  ["GIF Read Support"]=>
  ["GIF Create Support"]=>
  ["JPEG Support"]=>
  ["PNG Support"]=>
  ["WBMP Support"]=>
  ["XBM Support"]=>


DLL component

Thursday, February 25th, 2010

you can download what you want from the DLL component,

Refer to the URL below

Delayed email delivery in smartermail

Wednesday, February 24th, 2010


My first guess would be using SpamAssassin as part of your anti-spam administration is causing the slowness you are seeing.  It is a known fact that this feature is very limited for SmarterMail on Windows servers due to the lack of multi-threading.  You can verify this by logging into SmarterMail as the administrator and select to manage the spool.  While viewing the spool, on the right it will tell you the status of the message and if it states something along the lines as ‘Spam check’, that means that the message is caught in one of the anti-spam choices (which could be SpamAssassin).  To test if SpamAssassin is the problem, you can disable the service in SmarterMail by doing the following:
1) Login into SmarterMail administrative interface.
2) Click on Security Tab.
3) Click on Anti-Spam Administration.
4) Check the box for SpamAssassin.
5) Click save button to modify the updates.


Rejected-By-UrlScan 404 Errors

Wednesday, February 24th, 2010

If you are getting some unexplainable 404 errors when accessing html or pages in IIS, and have exhausted the more common issues, check out your log file for URLScan errors. URLScan is a Microsoft security tool to help protect Internet Information Server. On your developer environment it might be getting in the way.

    How Can I Disable URLScan

  1. Go to the Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Internet Information Services
  2. Click WebSites folder, right click to get Properties
  3. Click ISAPI Filters tab, find URLScan in the list, click Remove button, then OK to save
  4. From Command Prompt (Start -> Run -> Cmd), type “iisreset”, to restart IIS


Linux commands

Saturday, February 13th, 2010

Please refer to the URL below will help you alot of linux command

SOLUTION TO INSTALL Coldfusion 8 Standard (32-bit) to Windows Server 2008 64-bit (SBS small business server 2008 x64) on IIS7

Saturday, February 13th, 2010

Spent a day researching online and finally made CF8 Standard work on IIS7 x64. Just want to share it.

SOLUTION TO INSTALL Coldfusion 8 Standard (32-bit) to Windows Server 2008 64-bit (SBS small business server 2008 x64) on IIS7


Example Website:
IIS > Sites > testwebsite
IIS Application Pool: (automatically named and created by IIS)


1. PROBLEM: HTTP Error 404.17

IIS > Application Pools > (right click on) testwebsite > Advanced Settings > Enable 32-Bit Applications > (set to) True

(no restart needed)


2. Then I hit a 2nd PROBLEM: browser shows:
“Service Unavailable HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable”

Refer to:

I followed his steps and found out this error in windows Event Viewer > Windows Logs > Application > Error, Source=IIS-W3SVC-WP >

“The Module DLL C:\Windows\system32\RpcProxy\RpcProxy.dll failed to load. The data is the error.”


Edit file:

Change this line from:
<add name=”PasswordExpiryModule” image=”C:\Windows\system32\RpcProxy\RpcProxy.dll” />

<add name=”PasswordExpiryModule” image=”C:\Windows\system32\RpcProxy\RpcProxy.dll” preCondition=”bitness64″ />

May need to restart IIS.


3. Now the 3rd PROBLEM pops up: browser shows:
“HTTP Error 500.19 – Internal Server Error”

Refer to:
which refers to:

They said the http compression modules caused the error, and need to disable it globally. Run this command:
%windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set config -section:system.webServer/httpCompression /-[name=’xpress’]

In case we want to re-enable it, run this:
%windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set config -section:system.webServer/httpCompression /+[name=’xpress’,doStaticCompression=’false’,dll=’%windir%\system32\inetsrv\suscomp.dll’]

(note two %windir% to replace)

NOTE: this will turn off HTTP compression for all sites on IIS. I tried to turn compression ON again in IIS > (Top Level Domain, the 1st node below “Start Page” on left sidebar) > (dbl-click icon) Compression, by unchecking all boxes (if checked) > apply changes, then checking all boxes > apply changes. Restart IIS. Then both HTTP compression & coldfusion work at the same time! (to confirm: check HTTP header: Content-Encoding = gzip, using Firefox add-on: Live HTTP Headers)


Then it finally worked!!

1. Enable 32-Bit Applications in the IIS Application Pool
2. Edit applicationHost.config for RpcProxy.dll 64-bit setting
3. Disable HTTP compression scheme in IIS by command line
– than turn off then on Compression in IIS by GUI


never checked it