Archive for May, 2022

httpd status code using curl

Monday, May 30th, 2022
curl -o /dev/null -s -w "%{http_code}\n" http://localhost

show ip in linux

Sunday, May 29th, 2022

ip a |grep “inet 10” |awk ‘NR==1{print $2}’ |sed -r ‘s/\/24/ /g’

POD and NODES load in openshift

Tuesday, May 17th, 2022

oc adm top pods

oc adm top nodes

List only ips in OKD

Tuesday, May 17th, 2022

oc get nodes -o wide |awk ‘{print $6 ”  “$3}’

Cluster admin in OKD

Sunday, May 15th, 2022

oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin ayahmad

start service using ansible

Tuesday, May 10th, 2022

ansible groupname -i hosts -u user -m service -a “name=httpd state=started” -b

-a stand for arguments, -m stand for module, -b stand for become a root

How to install httpd using ansible

Tuesday, May 10th, 2022

ansible groupname -i hosts -u user -m yum -a “name=httpd state=latest” -b

note: -a stand for arguments, -b stand for become a root, because need to be a root in order to install service

Create namespace in kubernetes

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022
kubectl create namespace default-mem-example

Get deployment to a yaml format

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022

kubectl get deployments.apps blue -o yaml > blue.yaml

Which nodes pods places on

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022

kubectl get pods -o wide