is deprecated. mysql is now updated by the rpm.versions system when you run upcp

is deprecated. mysql is now updated by the rpm.versions system when you run upcp

the solutions

–It’s generally recommended to troubleshoot an issue before reinstalling MySQL to resolve –it. However, if necessary, you can remove the existing MySQL RPMs and then run the –following command:

/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_rpms –fix

–It’s also a good idea to backup your MySQL data before reinstalling it:

cp -Rf /var/lib/mysql /var/lib/mysql-backup

–You can remove the backed up directory after you ensure MySQL was reinstalled –successfully.

–remove the existing MySQL RPMs

–You can run the following command to get a list of the MySQL RPMs installed on your –system:

rpm -qa|grep MySQL

–Then, you can remove the RPMs that start with the version of your MySQL. For instance, –if you have MySQL 5.5 installed, you would run a command such as this for each MySQL55 –RPM:

rpm -e MySQL55-server-5.5.32-1.cp1136.x86_64

thanks all, done, test it and working fine, fixed the issue


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