Starting MySQLCouldn’t find MySQL manager (/var/lib/bin/mysqlmanager) or server (/var/lib/bin/mysqld_safe) or mysql has failed, please contact the sysadmin (result was “mysql has failed”).

The solution for the above error is below

1- ssh to the server

2- go to /etc/my.cnf

find basedir=/var/lib and remove it or commet it by     #basedir=/var/lib

3- save what you did

4- restart mysql then the issue will be fix

i have done that by my self in linux (cpanel server) and fixed the issue

References is below

Thank you.

One Response to “Starting MySQLCouldn’t find MySQL manager (/var/lib/bin/mysqlmanager) or server (/var/lib/bin/mysqld_safe) or mysql has failed, please contact the sysadmin (result was “mysql has failed”).”

  1. Tom Says:

    the guide were very help full to me. Thanks a lot

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