RPM and Repository


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    $repoquery      #is to query packages from the repository and get information about the packages

    $rpm -q          #for installed packages, RPM better than repoquery because RPM allow you to go deeper with your query

    Note: for downloaded packages using yumdownloader need to use rpm -qp packagename

    $rpm -qa    # will query all and show all the packages in the rpm database, packages that have been installed

    $rpm -qf  /etc/filename    # to find the file coming from which package (etc/filename means any file, this only example)

    $rpm -ql packagename     # to see the list of the files in the package

    $rpm -qc packagename       # to see the config file for the package

    $rpm -qd packagename            # to find the documentation for the package such as readme etc




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