Archive for September, 2012

How to Install LiteSpeed on a WHM / cPanel Server

Sunday, September 30th, 2012

How to Install LiteSpeed on a WHM/cPanel Server

– Go buy a license from LiteSpeed and note down the license key. (They also do a free 14 day trial).

– Login to SSH as ‘root’ on the server running cPanel.

– Copy/paste the following command and hit enter:

cd /usr/src; wget; chmod 700; ./; rm -f

– Login to WHM and click the ‘LiteSpeed Web Server’ button.

– Click ‘Install LiteSpeed’ and let it run through the installation procedure, this is completely automated.

– Enter your license information & assign an administrator password (Don’t tick the box to start LiteSpeed immediately!)

– Click ‘Build matching PHP Binary’ – this will take 10-20mins (Apache will stay running)

– Click ‘Switch to LiteSpeed’

– Click ‘Admin Web Console’ and login with the details you setup in step 5.

Final stages of setup (Most of which is in LiteSpeed admin)

– Configuration > General > Index Files > Edit

Set the following:

Index Files: index.html, index.php, index.php5, index.htm

Auto Index: Yes

Auto Index URI => /_autoindex/default.php

Hit ‘Save’

In SSH Type:

ln -sf /usr/local/lib/php/autoindex /usr/local/lsws/share/autoindex

Now back to LiteSpeed Admin:

– Configuration > Log > Server Log > Edit

Set the following:

Log Level: Info

Debug Level: None

Hit ‘Save’

Now click ‘Actions > Graceful Restart’ to make these changes permanent.

Optional LiteSpeed Installation Procedures

Want your users to be able to have their own PHP.INI file?

In LiteSpeed Admin:

– Configuration > External App – then hit ‘Edit’ next to ‘LSAPI App / lsphp5 / uds://tmp/lshttpd/lsphp5.sock’ if you’re running PHP5 (or the one for lsphp4 if running PHP4)

In ‘Environment’ add the following line:


Then hit ‘Save’

Now click ‘Actions > Graceful Restart’ to make these changes permanent.

This will allow them to have their very own php.ini in the root folder of their hosting account which overrides the /usr/local/lib/php.ini file, this is a security risk though so be careful.

Want your users to be able to use Frontpage Extensions?

Run this command from SSH:

sed -rie ‘s/(safe_)?chmod\(( )?0600,( )?(“\$\{myuid\}”,)?( )?”\$(\{)?homedir(\})?\/public_html\$\{subweb\}\/_vti_pvt\/service.pwd”( )?\);/\1chmod(\20644,\3\4\5?$\6homedir\7\/public_html${subweb}\/_vti_pvt\/service.pwd”\8);/’ /scripts/fp-auth /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/apache-fp/fp-auth /usr/local/cpanel/bin/convertfppassthrough /scripts/fixfrontpageperm

Then run this command from SSH:


Forgot your LiteSpeed admin pass?

Run this within SSH to reset your LiteSpeed Admin Pass: /usr/local/lsws/admin/misc/


550 Access denied Invalid HELO name

Thursday, September 27th, 2012

If you’re getting this error when sending out email. Please double check your email setting to use the following

For outlook

Click Tools then E-mail Accounts…
Select “View or change existing e-mail accounts” and click Next
Select the email account and click Change
Click on “More settings”
Select “Outgoing Server” tab
Tick “My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication”
Select “Use same settings as my incoming email server”
Click Ok
Press Next
Lastly, press Finish

Once these steps are done, try to send the email again. Contact us if the problem still persist.