Archive for the ‘Windows’ Category

reset the MySQL administrator’s password (Windows)

Tuesday, March 21st, 2017


To solve the problem and reconnect Plesk with the MySQL server, follow these steps:

  1. Stop the MySQL server (but not “Plesk SQL Server”) from running on port 3306 using the Plesk Services Monitor tray utility.
  2. Edit the MySQL configuration file, %plesk_dir%\\Databases\\MySQL\\Data\\my.ini , and add the line skip-grant-tables to the [mysqld]section.
  3. Start the MySQL server.
  4. Log into MySQL without the password:



5. Change the password for the MySQL administrator:


UPDATE mysql.user SET Password = password(‘newpassword’) WHERE User = ‘admin’;


6. Remove skip-grant-tables from the MySQL configuration file and restart the service.

password should be reset already and no more issues



Calling LoadLibraryEx on ISAPI filter C:\\Plesk\\isapi\\urlprotect.dll failed

Friday, December 30th, 2016


Domain’s application pool does not support 32 applications.


  1. Open IIS->domains , find your domain name and name of application pool that domain uses.
  2. Make sure that “Enable 32-Bit Applications” is enabled in IIS->Application pool->domain’s application pool->Advanced settings .

Error: Set default component failed: defpackagemng failed: Loaded Postoffice Configuration Provider (MEAIPO.DLL) Unable to assign port to IP address. Reason: Unknown IP Address

Tuesday, November 29th, 2016

If you got the above error. follow the below solutions

  1. Go to Regedit.
  2. Go to the path: Local_Machhine >> Software >> Wow6432Node >> Plesk >> Psa config >> config
  3. Locate the record MAIL_PROVIDERW_DLL and change it to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\admin\bin\smartermailprovider.dll
  4. Locate the path: Local_Machhine >> Software >> Wow6432Node >> Plesk >> Psa config >> config >> Packages >> Mailserver and set Default regisrty entry to smartermail
  5. Save the registry.
  6. Open Plesk using admin login, go to  Tool and setting >> Server components >> and click on refresh.


The operation you were performing failed. You can retry the operation with or without changing its parameters. You may also want to report this problem to our support so that we could help you as soon as possible.

Thursday, October 15th, 2015

if you got the above error in plesk, you need to do the following steps to solve the issue

1- update windows

2- restart the server

3- run the following command

cd %plesk_bin%

ai.exe –select-product-id panel  –select-release-current –reinstall-patch –install-component base



Retrieve the password of the domain owner from the windows Plesk database

Tuesday, December 30th, 2014

"%plesk_bin%"\dbclient --direct-sql --sql="select su.login, a.password from accounts a, sys_users su  where and su.login='USER1'"
    login       password
    USER1  p@ssw0rd

to sync the password again

net user USER1 p@ssw0rd

Fatal error: Call to undefined function of_get_key_by_product()

Tuesday, November 18th, 2014

If you got the above error then you need to use the following solutions


Go to plesk installation directory and then “admin\repository”
Delete the file   “registry.xml file.”
Now,Restart plesk services


most properly the directory will be here C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\admin\repository


confirm will fix the issue, i have test it and works   ( for plesk 9)

i never try it for other version of plesk,,, u may try it, may it will work too






Sunday, December 8th, 2013

Do you want to make a “silent” copy of any incoming or outgoing email (of one email address) to a specific
address so that you can monitor each incoming or outgoing email of that address? If your answer is YES, then
you are looking at the right article.

In this article, we put two scenanio namely Rule 1 and Rule 2. In both rules, all incoming and outgoing emails will
be copied to another account mailbox called

1) Rule 1: All Incoming Email from is copied to
2) Rule 2: All Outgoing Email from is copied to

In Details, kindly find below, are the steps to create the Incoming and Outgoing Mail Copy function in
SMARTERMAIL. We will take Rule 1 and Rule 2 as example.

The term “YourDomainName” is referring to your own domain name. Let’s say your WEBSITE is and
your WEBMAIL is This means, your domain is

1) Rule 1: All Incoming Email from is copied to ============================================================================
STEP 1) Logon to http://pop.YourDomainName ;
STEP 2) For “Email Address”, type in postmaster@YourDomainName ;
STEP 3) For “Password”, type in “your postmaster password” which can be found on your Server Configuration page;
STEP 4) Click on “Settings” BUTTON;
STEP 5) Click on “Events <” LONG BLUE BUTTON right on the corner left of the setting screen;
STEP 6) On Left panel, Click “[+] Domain Events” to branch down the list;
STEP 7) Choose “All Events” under “[-] Domain Events”;
STEP 8) Click on the “New” button next to Edit/Delete/Search;
STEP 9) For “Events Name”, fill in the event description;

[Event descriptions example: Rule 1: All Incoming Email from is copied to]

STEP 10) For “Event category”, Choose “Email” from the drop down list;
STEP 11) For “Event Type”, choose “Email Received” from the drop down list:
STEP 12) Place a TICK next to “To Address” checkbox;
STEP 13) Change the email address to;
STEP 14) Click on the “ACTION” TAB on top;
STEP 15) Click “Add Action” BUTTON;
STEP 16) For “Action”, choose “Add recipient” from the drop down list;
STEP 17) For “Maximum Frequency”, choose “None”;
STEP 18) For “Recipient” box, key in the target email address;
STEP 19) Click “Save” BUTTON to save the email action;
STEP 20) Click “Save” BUTTON again to create this rule;
STEP 21) that’s all;

2) Rule 2: All Outgoing Email from is copied to
STEP 1) Logon to http://pop.YourDomainName;
STEP 2) For “Email Address”, type in postmaster@YourDomainName;
STEP 3) For “Password”, type in “your postmaster password” which can be found on your Server Configuration page;
STEP 4) Click on “Settings” BUTTON;
STEP 5) Click on “Events <” LONG BLUE BUTTON right on the corner left of the setting screen;
STEP 6) On Left panel, Click “[+] Domain Events” to branch down the list;
STEP 7) Choose “All Events” under “[-] Domain Events”;
STEP 8) Click on the “New” button next to Edit/Delete/Search;
STEP 9) For “Events Name”, fill in the event description;

[Event descriptions example: Rule 2: All Outgoing Email from is copied to]

STEP 10) For “Event category”, Choose “Email” from the drop down list;
STEP 11) For “Event Type”, choose “Email Sent” from the drop down list:
STEP 12) Place a TICK next to “From Address” checkbox;
STEP 13) Change the email address to;
STEP 14) Click on the “ACTION” TAB on top;
STEP 15) Click “Add Action” BUTTON;
STEP 16) For “Action”, choose “Add recipient” from the drop down list;
STEP 17) For “Maximum Frequency”, choose “None”;
STEP 18) For “Recipient” box, key in the target email address;
STEP 19) Click “Save” BUTTON to save the email action;
STEP 20) Click “Save” BUTTON again to create this rule;
STEP 21) that’s all;

We hope that this article will help you fulfill your requrement, otherwise, you may visit our Knowledgebase main page
and search for other options.

On top of the steps below, there are three important things to make sure to avoid any future inconveniences.
1) Any Mail copy MUST be done only inside the EVENT setting under the Postmaster account;
2) The recipient mailbox MUST always have space to receive copy of emails.
3) The owner of the address where the email is copied from MUST be using outgoing email (SMTP) server as mail.YourDomainName.

Thank you.

create list of emails using command prompt – plesk windows server

Saturday, November 16th, 2013

The below command to create emails in plesk using command line… the command will help if you have many emails to create

C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\admin\bin>for /f “tokens=1,2” %i in (c:\m.txt) do mail.exe –create -mailbox true -passwd %j

need to put the file email.txt in c:\ driver and run the command in %plesk_bin% direcotry, must be inside the directory

thank you.

How to find if Microsoft Report Viewer Control Is Installed?

Friday, September 20th, 2013

you need to go to the registry by run this command in RUN regedit
the try to find if report viewer installed or not in this directory


Migrate SmarterMail to a Different Server

Tuesday, April 10th, 2012

Applies to: SmarterMail 8.x

A system administrator may need to move SmarterMail to a different server because they are moving to a more powerful server or changing hosting companies and need to move to their servers.

Before starting the move process, add new MX records to your domains in DNS for the new server and allow 24-48 hours for the records to propagate through the Internet. Doing so will help ensure that you do not lose any mail. SmarterTools also recommends ensuring your license key can be activated again before beginning the migration process. This information can be found in the account management area of the SmarterTools Portal.

Follow this steps to migrate a SmarterMail installation to a different server:

Install SmarterMail on the new server and follow the instructions for setting up IIS if you plan on using it instead of the SmarterMail Web server.
Stop the SmarterMail Service on both servers
Copy the following files and folders from your old server to your new one:
C:\program files\smartertools\smartermail\service\mailconfig.xml
C:\program files\smartertools\smartermail\service\domainlist.xml
C:\program files\smartertools\smartermail\service\greylistbypass.xml
C:\program files\smartertools\smartermail\service\greylist.dat
Start the SmarterMail service on the new server.
Log in and re-activate the software on the new server.
If you change the path to your domains, you would need to edit your domainList.xml file accordingly to reflect the new paths.
If your DNS servers change, update the corresponding setting in SmarterMail and restart the SmarterMail Service (or reboot the server) to make the change effective.

NOTE: These steps assume that the domain data is stored in the default C:\SmarterMail\Domains directory and that the product is installed in the default location.
