Archive for December, 2014

Retrieve the password of the domain owner from the windows Plesk database

Tuesday, December 30th, 2014

"%plesk_bin%"\dbclient --direct-sql --sql="select su.login, a.password from accounts a, sys_users su  where and su.login='USER1'"
    login       password
    USER1  p@ssw0rd

to sync the password again

net user USER1 p@ssw0rd

Why isn’t my site showing up on search engine results pages?

Monday, December 29th, 2014

There are several reasons why a site might not show up in search engine results pages. Here are the most common ones:

The search engines haven’t indexed the site yet. Sometimes it can take a week or more for a search engine to find your website. This is because your website is new and doesn’t have any inbound links. Once your website is crawled, it usually takes another week or two for it to be pushed out to the index. A long time ago submitting your website to the search engines used to be a good way to speed up the process. But these days there are so many requests that the feature doesn’t work. It’s much easier to create links to get the spiders to crawl your site.

The site isn’t optimized for search engine crawling. Once you submit your site to a search engine, a spider is sent to your site to crawl it for content. These spiders don’t view your site like a visitor would. They scan your site for meta content, keyword saturation, relevant content, and many other factors. Therefore, you need to consider what content search engines actually see on your Web pages.

Wondering why a certain search term doesn’t bring your site up in Google®? Take a look at the page content of your site. If the search term isn’t in the actual content of your site, it’s not considered relevant to the search engines.

Once search engines index your site, and you’ve sprinkled targeted keywords throughout the pages, the site starts displaying in queried search results. However, this does not necessarily mean you’re going to be on the first page of search results.

For sites using JavaScript menus, a sitemap helps search engines index the entire. Because most search engines cannot follow JavaScript links, a sitemap aids in spider navigation.

Not enough quality content. Your Web page copy — being the actual, visible main content of the page — should be presented and arranged in a logical and visually pleasing manner. And, the copy should be rich in keywords.

The keywords should be woven into the flow wherever it is possible, but without sacrificing narrative and textual flow. Note that search engines are very aware of keyword stuffing in page copy. Therefore, do not force keywords into the copy. Rather make the keywords appear as integral part of the natural flow.

In layout and writing style, your copy should suit the page’s main target group. The point is to instantly catch and keep page visitors’ attention, so they stay on your page instead of exiting via the nearest outbound link. Note that Internet readers tend to have shorter attention spans than readers of print media, such as newspapers and magazines. Web page copy should generally be shorter than similar text in printed form. Ideally, you should break up large amounts of text with images, animations or other elements.

Too much Flash®. Flash-animation can be visually stunning and might turn a Web page into a virtual work of art. Unfortunately, very few search engine spiders understand Flash. This means that Flash-embedded page elements, including links and text, are invisible to many visiting spiders. In other words, submitting heavily Flash animated pages to Internet search engines is usually futile.

You can still achieve decent rankings with partially Flash-animated pages by optimizing your site content and meta tags.

The site isn’t optimized for search engine inclusion. Search engine optimization (SEO) describes the process of refining a website to gain a higher search engine ranking in “organic” search engine results. By optimizing your site, you can tailor your site to be search engine-friendly. SEO can be a challenging and rather lengthy process. The more research you put into the practice, the greater of a return you’re going to see in your rankings.

The keyword market is very competitive. Search engines help millions of users across the world navigate the World Wide Web and find specific content amid the billions of documents that inhabit the Web. Make sure you are targeting a less competitive keyword market, so you can gain the attention of your consumer. Remember, your site might be returning in the results of a search engine query, but if you’re keywords are too general your site is going to get lost in the shuffle.

This is where Search Engine Visibility can help:

If you’re using Search Engine Visibility you can use the sitemap submission tool, optimization options, and the SEO Checklist to identify possible issues with your website.

  • Optimize — Using the optimization options, you can tailor your website content to be search engine-friendly. Search Engine Visibility optimization features help you generate keywords, analyze site content, optimize tags, control crawling, and create a sitemap.
  • Analyze — Using the SEO Checklist, you can identify whether you have problems with any of the top 10 most common search engine optimization pitfalls.
  • Submit — Using the submission features, you can submit to specific search engines and directories, check the status of existing submissions, and correct any submission issues. Submitting your URL(s) directly to search engines ensures that their spiders crawl your site at the earliest opportunity.


How to find and fix spam script in wp themes and plugins

Wednesday, December 24th, 2014

Be careful while selecting any free Premium WordPress Themes because the theme can be no doubt free but you don’t know if its spam script free too. Else you too will have to invest your time in researching the reasons like me or recovering your losses due to these scam scripts.

In most case spam script are always there if you get a premium theme or plugin from the internet for free. So next time if you get any premium theme or plugins from the internet for free make sure it is spam script free, otherwise you have to pay much more than original cost of the themes and plugins.

As in the traditional way you go for cross checking the theme with your antivirus software and gets a green signal “No Virus Detected”,  you stop here and get it, but the reality is some spam scripts not detected by antivirus,  google webmaster tools or any wordpress security plugin

Let me share my experience in brief. I got an amazing impressive theme used by labnol for free. And the offer for me no doubt was like a “BUMPER PRIZE” . I tested it with antivirus and Google fetch and it shows no error and according to me I became a saver by saving $200. I was really happy with the theme and was using it over my official website. But after one month i realized that by traffic decrease to 80% !!!

This was the time when I was to search for the reasons. Why is my traffic drowning with such a dratic rate… ? What’s wrong with the world???

And after my research I found something that shocked me!!!! Yes it really shocked me when realized that after few refresh my blog redirect to some others site. My website was being controlled by a scam script. But it was quite late for the losses that I bared. I lost my genuine organic traffic, business and of course the hard work that I invested.

This spam script was in themes header file which redirect to other site. So I immediately remove this script and back to my twenty eleven theme.this tutorial will tell you how to find and fix spam script in your theme or plugin

But with every loss you learn something. And no doubt I had lost my ranking but got some answers, and I think they can help my friends and readers.

Why spam script not detected by the antivirus ??

Because this spam script do nothing with your PC

Why spam script does not detected by Google fetch ??

because it redirect to another site only after few page view .

Type of spam scripts in themes and what they can do :

Scam Script implementation can be done in many ways.
-Some spam scripts are placed inside the theme or plugin because for traffic and back link .
-Other scripts can take control of your site and these are much dangerous as it can destroy you website or blog.

Two ways how hackers place these scam scripts:
-The hackers placed spam script in two way either by javascript code or php code.
-Common and interesting thing in both is that in both the cases scripts are encrypted so you can not be sure what this code does?

Encrypted JavaScript spam script

encrypted spam script thumb How to find and fix spam script in wp themes and plugins

Encrypted php spam script

encrypted spam script php thumb How to find and fix spam script in wp themes and plugins

How to find and remove spam script in wordpress themes and plugin????


Okay we need an IDE you can choose Notepad++ , Edit plus or Eclipse its your choice.

Whenever you download some suspicious theme or plugin extract it to your desktop.and do the following steps.

  1. Open your IDE . I choose Notepad++ because its light .
  2. Go to search and click find in files menu
  3. Now Find in files Box will be open in Find What enter the keyword eval.
  4. Now choose your theme or plugin directory.
  5. Click on find all.
  6. If result comes click on the link in result bar. You wil see the encrypted line in the line.
  7. Now Remove it.

Follow the same steps for the keywords curl.

cURL is a computer software project providing a library and command-line tool for transferring data using various protocols

curl has no use in your wordpress theme . Although some seo plugins use curl for making connection with remote server.

This method no doubt remove the encrypted script but my recommendation is that use genuine plugins and theme.

How To Set Up Master Slave Replication in MySQL

Wednesday, December 17th, 2014

About MySQL replication

MySQL replication is a process that allows you to easily maintain multiple copies of a MySQL data by having them copied automatically from a master to a slave database. This can helpful for many reasons including facilating a backup for the data,a way to analyze it without using the main database, or simply as a means to scale out.

This tutorial will cover a very simple example of mysql replication—one master will send information to a single slave. For the process to work you will need two IP addresses: one of the master server and and one of the slave.

This tutorial will use the following IP addresses: Master Database Slave Database


This article assumes that you have user with sudo privileges and have MySQL installed. If you do not have mysql, you can install it with this command:

### sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client

Step One—Configure the Master Database

Open up the mysql configuration file on the master server.

### sudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf

Once inside that file, we need to make a few changes.

The first step is to find the section that looks like this, binding the server to the local host:


### bind-address  =

The next configuration change refers to the server-id, located in the [mysqld] section. You can choose any number for this spot (it may just be easier to start with 1), but the number must be unique and cannot match any other server-id in your replication group. I’m going to go ahead and call this one 1.

Make sure this line is uncommented.

### server-id        = 1

Move on to the log_bin line. This is where the real details of the replication are kept. The slave is going to copy all of the changes that are registered in the log. For this step we simply need to uncomment the line that refers to log_bin:

### log_bin      = /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.log

Finally, we need to designate the database that will be replicated on the slave server. You can include more than one database by repeating this line for all of the databases you will need.

### binlog_do_db       = newdatabase

After you make all of the changes, go ahead and save and exit out of the configuration file.

Refresh MySQL.

### sudo service mysql restart

The next steps will take place in the MySQL shell, itself.

Open up the MySQL shell.

### mysql -u root -p

We need to grant privileges to the slave. You can use this line to name your slave and set up their password. The command should be in this format:

### GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO 'slave_user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

Follow up with:


The next part is a bit finicky. To accomplish the task you will need to open a new window or tab in addition to the one that you are already using a few steps down the line.

In your current tab switch to “newdatabase”.

### USE newdatabase;

Following that, lock the database to prevent any new changes:


Then type in:


You will see a table that should look something like this:

| File             | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB |
| mysql-bin.000001 |      107 | newdatabase  |                  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

This is the position from which the slave database will start replicating. Record these numbers, they will come in useful later.

If you make any new changes in the same window, the database will automatically unlock. For this reason, you should open the new tab or window and continue with the next steps there.

Proceeding the with the database still locked, export your database using mysqldump in the new window (make sure you are typing this command in the bash shell, not in MySQL).

### mysqldump -u root -p --opt newdatabase > newdatabase.sql

Now, returning to your your original window, unlock the databases (making them writeable again). Finish up by exiting the shell.

### EXIT;

Import the database that you previously exported from the master database.

### mysql -u root -p newdatabase < /path/to/newdatabase.sql

Now we need to configure the slave configuration in the same way as we did the master:

### sudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf

We have to make sure that we have a few things set up in this configuration. The first is the server-id. This number, as mentioned before needs to be unique. Since it is set on the default (still 1), be sure to change it’s something different.

### server-id       = 2

Following that, make sure that your have the following three criteria appropriately filled out:

### relay-log         = /var/log/mysql/mysql-relay-bin.log
### log_bin               = /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.log
### binlog_do_db            = newdatabase

You will need to add in the relay-log line: it is not there by default. Once you have made all of the necessary changes, save and exit out of the slave configuration file.

Restart MySQL once again:

### sudo service mysql restart

The next step is to enable the replication from within the MySQL shell.

Open up the the MySQL shell once again and type in the following details, replacing the values to match your information:

### CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='',MASTER_USER='slave_user', MASTER_PASSWORD='password', MASTER_LOG_FILE='mysql-bin.000001', MASTER_LOG_POS=  107;

This command accomplishes several things at the same time:

  1. It designates the current server as the slave of our master server.
  2. It provides the server the correct login credentials
  3. Last of all, it lets the slave server know where to start replicating from; the master log file and log position come from the numbers we wrote down previously.

With that—you have configured a master and slave server.

Activate the slave server:


You be able to see the details of the slave replication by typing in this command. The \G rearranges the text to make it more readable.


If there is an issue in connecting, you can try starting slave with a command to skip over it:


All done.
thank you.

“Unable to submit the form, please retry” wordpress contact form

Friday, December 12th, 2014

if you got the following error  “Unable to submit the form, please retry” while you try to submit in wordpress site contact form

you need to follow below solutions to fix the issue


1- login to wordpress admin page

2- click on “Forms” on your left side> you will get menue, then click on “forms” in the menue as well

3- you get list of page, click on contact form

4- click on “preview/test”

5- scroll a bit down and untick   “Use AJAX to avoid page reload when submitting form”

6- save setting then the issue confirm will be fix,

i have tried the above solutions my self and fixed the issue


thank you.

How do I upgrade MySQL that comes installed with Plesk on Windows?

Friday, December 5th, 2014

The Parallels Plesk Control Panel installed on VPS / VDS Containers and Dedicated Servers on our network also installs a version of MySQL Database Server. However this bundled version of MySQL is not always the most current available, and you may wish to upgrade MySQL to a more current version. Please follow the steps below to do so…


The following is taken from section “b)” at: …

MySQL server database engine for client databases. It’s located in %plesk_dir%databases\MySQL and uses port 3306 for connections. It can be updated to any latest stable version of MySQL.

To update the client MySQL server one needs to follow these steps:

1. Download the latest stable version of MySQL

2. Stop MySQL Server service.

3. Rename or backup the folder %plesk_dir%databases\mysql.

4. Create the folder %plesk_dir%databases\mysql and extract the downloaded mysql version to this folder.

5. Delete the folder %plesk_dir%databases\mysql\data.

6. Copy the folder data from the original (backed up) mysql to %plesk_dir%databases\mysql.



