journalctl commands to check the logs

Time Ranges

To see messages logged within a specific time window, we can use the --since and --until options. The following command shows journal messages logged within the last hour.

$ journalctl --since "1 hour ago"

To see messages logged in the last two days, the following command can be used.

$ journalctl --since "2 days ago"

The command below will show messages between two dates and times. All messages logged on or after the since parameter and logged on or before the until parameter will be shown.

$ journalctl --since "2015-06-26 23:15:00" --until "2015-06-26 23:20:00"

For greater accuracy, format the date and time as “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS”. You can also use any format that follows the systemd.time specification.

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