How do I upgrade MySQL that comes installed with Plesk on Windows?

The Parallels Plesk Control Panel installed on VPS / VDS Containers and Dedicated Servers on our network also installs a version of MySQL Database Server. However this bundled version of MySQL is not always the most current available, and you may wish to upgrade MySQL to a more current version. Please follow the steps below to do so…


The following is taken from section “b)” at: …

MySQL server database engine for client databases. It’s located in %plesk_dir%databases\MySQL and uses port 3306 for connections. It can be updated to any latest stable version of MySQL.

To update the client MySQL server one needs to follow these steps:

1. Download the latest stable version of MySQL

2. Stop MySQL Server service.

3. Rename or backup the folder %plesk_dir%databases\mysql.

4. Create the folder %plesk_dir%databases\mysql and extract the downloaded mysql version to this folder.

5. Delete the folder %plesk_dir%databases\mysql\data.

6. Copy the folder data from the original (backed up) mysql to %plesk_dir%databases\mysql.






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