Setting Alternate SMTP port in Plesk on Linux

First a new entry will need to be created in xinetd for the alternate port:

cd /etc/xinetd.d
cp smtp_psa smtp_psa_p26

Next the entry that was just created needs to be modified:

vi smtp_psa_p26

Make the first line say “service smtp_p26” and save the file.

Next edit the services for the system to include the newly created one:

vi /etc/services
smtp_p26 26/tcp mail
smtp_p26 26/udp mail

After editing this, just restart xinetd and the server should be listening on port 26. A quick way to verify the changes took effect can be done using this command:

netstat -lpn|grep 26

NOTE: Don’t forget to make sure port 26 is open in the firewall. A walk through on how to do this can be found here:

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