Migration from Cpanel server to Cpanel server using command (Linux)

if you want to do migration from Linux Cpanel Server to other  Linux Cpanel  server Manually,

1- SSH to the source server

then run below command to package the account

/scripts/pkgacc domain username

after done the packge then run the below command

scp -P portN packgeName root@DIP:/home

then will ask you about the password for the destination server, enter the password and the transfer will be start

after done the transfer, then refer to 2

2- SSH to the destination server, open the home directory by run this command

cd /home

then you will find the package name that you transferred it from the source server, after that refer to 3

3- extract the packge by run this command

/scripts/restoreacc  domain username

That is all, done, then now you need to go Cpanel for the destination server and u will find the domain is migrated already with all the emails and every thing , database

4- change the DNS pointing from registrar to the new server


portN = SSH port number for the destination server, most of the time will be 22 or 55000
Package name = cpmove_domain username.tar.gz
DIP= destination ip adreess, for the destination server

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  1. cPanel/WHM Master Reseller Hosting — location Hamburg, GERMANY … | Hosting Review Directory Says:

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