Your Callback URL is not accessible! (X-cart / Google Checkout)

With Google Checkout and X-cart 4.1.8, a client of ours had this error:

Your Callback URL is not accessible!

Make sure you have a valid SSL certificate installed. Also note that Google Checkout does not accept SSL certicates from certain issuers. Contact Google Checkout support to make sure your SSL certificate can be accepted.

Another reason for the problem may be PHP on your server running in CGI mode. Refer to the manual for instructions on how to resolve the issue.

The SSL was fine, and the server mode was also the same as other users who had X-cart and Google Checkout. Our user fixed the issue by adding the following lines to his .htaccess file, and hopefully this solution will help you too:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule .* – [E=REMOTE_USER:%{HTTP:Authorization},L]

If that does not help, try searching the x-cart forums or contacting x-cart, but so long as your server has mod_rewrite installed, the checkout should work fine from there.



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